Liza Torrence
It's only been a few months since I graduated from Miami and I left my Dance Theatre family. However, this summer is different because in the back of my mind I know that I won’t be returning to Oxford OH this fall to rekindle my friendships and love for dance. Currently I am working at the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh where I facilitate endless art and making activities to museum visitors of all ages. I am also a part of Maker Corps, a professional development program where I am trained through the Children’s Museum and an online community in a summer making education program. Soon enough I will be moving to the Big Apple to attend NYU for a master’s in Art Education. That being said, I don’t think I would be indulging in these opportunities if it wasn’t for Dance Theatre. DT nourished me with the tools needed to take risks and pursue dreams. It was the most worthwhile outlet I could have devoted my time and energy to, and I already miss it dearly. I hope to never stop dancing, but I feel that nothing will be the same as Dance Theatre. I would like to at least teach in years to come so that others can experience the same love that fostered such growth in mef. In the mean time, maybe I’ll return to Oxford, even just once this year, to see old friends and vent to Lana Kay about my post-grad struggles, while admiring the fresh talents of new members.